A couple of months back, I was dowsing further west in Moravia, and on the drive home, I saw an intriguing church set against some hills. I had some time, so I went to investigate. That afternoon, I discovered a Moravian village by the name of Pustiměř (pronounced something like poostime-erz). I had no knowledge of the place but soon discovered that the church was quite a modern baroque building dedicated to St. Benedict. However, behind it was a chapel dedicated to St. Anne that is older though it is 16th Century replacing an earlier chapel that burned down. Both of these buildings were built on the ruins of a Benedictine monastery, which itself was built on an 8th Century Slavic Rotunda. What a find, I thought at the time vowing to return. a quick dowse also established that the Chapel of St. Anne lay on a negative 90-pace wide line and the Church of St. Benedict was within the positive pair.

And so recently I went back. Four solid days of work, over 100 km walked and 4 trips up and down the D1 motorway and I think I have finally figured out Putimer.
What I thought was an 8th Century Rotunda on a major energy line turned out to be 7 separate and closely-spaced 90-pace wide lines running through the village. I suspect that at one time, many of these lines crossed at a massively powerful energy center and vortex where the Rotunda was built. This node needs to be repaired and it may well become my first attempt at repairing a node… as three or four of the lines come in, they run parallel and closely spaced by the rotunda – literally one or 2 paces between them.
But that wasn’t all. Oh no…
In trying to figure everything out, I discovered the ruined Pustimer Castle and discovered an important spring, a hillfort, and a vibrant energy center on the hillside.
The Castle
The Pustiměř Castle in Melice is now a ruin, yet in the 13th Century, it was an important landmark and seat of local power. It was first mentioned in 1339 and was built by the then Bishop of Olomouc. It was abandoned after the Hussite War. The castle lies on one of the major energy lines that pass through Pustimer – the positive line passes directly through the castle and the negative line runs nearby.

To the other side of Pustimer, underneath the smaller village of Zelena Hora, is a hillfort. It dates back to the Iron Age but was a key Slavic castle as well during the time of Great Moravia (800-1100). The hill fort lies on one of the major lines that pass through Putimer – again the positive line passes through the fort and the negative line is nearby. Another major line lies just to its north with both negative and positive lines close to the site.

Close by the hillfort was the Rotunda of St. Pantaleon. The village website states…
Even the surroundings of the rotunda and the rotunda itself, which were thoroughly excavated several times, did not conclusively answer the question of when the building was actually created. The existence of the rotunda in the middle of the 12th century is convincingly supported by the findings of two silver coins inside the building, on the one hand a silver denarius of Ota II. Černý (a title prince of Olomouc), died in 1126, on the one hand a Moravian denarius of Vladislavov from the time when he was still a prince (that is until 1158). Earlier dating allows the discovery of 6 graves in close proximity to the church. It was common for the area around the church to serve as a burial ground. Findings from the graves make it possible to postpone the creation of the tabernacle before the end of the 11th century.
Dr. In her hypothesis, Procházková even assumes the creation of the church at the time when Vratislav II was the Moravian prince. and when the Slavic liturgical language returned to Moravia for a while, which of course did not last long, because when Vratislav II. 1085 from the hands of Pope Gregory VII. accepts the historically first Czech royal crown, must renounce Slavic idolatry. According to this theory, the Pustiměř rotunda should have been created precisely as a new center of Slavic liturgies.
Historical sources mention the rotunda much later than we have been moving so far, to 1243. We know that a bishop’s synod was held in Pustiměr that year, which, among other things, also proves that the rotunda passed into the hands of the bishop. After the foundation of the monastery in Pustiměř in 1340, the rotunda became part of the monastery.

Between the Rotunda and the Melice Castle is a natural spring and well. Not surprisingly, this lies on a negative line running out from Pustimer, and the positive line lies close by.

Pustimer was a site of some importance in the Slavic era and beyond. Not far away and on one of the same energy lines that runs through Pustimer, is another natural spring and chapel dedicated to Sts. Cyril and Methodius who were said to have preached there as they converted the Slavs to Christianity. I know from my previous research that the Slavs knew of and used the Earth energy lines (see my ‘Chasing’ books and videos on my Youtube channel), so I strongly suspect that this was a site of major energies due to a node of multiple Type 4 lines at the place of the Rotunda. Indeed, a building that could hold up to 200 people at the time was a colossal undertaking… but given the energies….. worthwhile.
One node does remain some distance away from the site. Sited in a small valley of considerable beauty, the energies there made me feel dizzy and along with a nearby bee hive, I was overwhelmed by the energy there….
I shall make a video about the site but trust me, this was a challenge to unravel so many closely spaced lines – but so worthwhile. Now I have to track them all across Czechia….
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