The Templar alignment runs across the Czech Republic (and beyond) passing through sites like Svaty Hostyn, TrebiÄ Basilica, A site near to TelÄ and Jindrichuv Hradec. It would appear to be on a trajectory that would take it south of Kyiv and to La Rochelle as shown below.

We named it the Templar Alignment because most of the sites along it appear to have a connection to the Templar order.
The alignment comprises a pair of Type 4 lines – negative and positive – that we have called the MokoÅ¡ and Perun lines. We chose these names carefully and over a long period of time based on the characteristics of the lines.
Mokoš is the Slavic Goddess  of life-giving in ancient Slavic mythology. She is the only female deity mentioned in the Old Kievan pantheon of AD 980 and has survived in East Slavic folk beliefs as Mokoša, or Mokuša. A tall woman with a large head and long arms, she spins flax and wool at night and shears sheep. Her name is connected, on the one hand, with spinning and plaiting and, on the other, with moisture. Associations with spinning, plaiting, and moisture suggest early European roots: the Great Goddess, or Fate, the spinner of life’s thread, dispenser of life’s water. (Enc. Brittanica)
Perun is the thunder god of the ancient pagan Slavs, a fructifier, purifier, and overseer of right and order. His actions are perceived by the senses: seen in the thunderbolt, heard in the rattle of stones, the bellow of the bull, or the bleat of the he-goat (thunder), and felt in the touch of an ax blade. The word for Thursday (Thor’s day) in the Polabian language was peründan. Polish piorun and Slovak parom denote “thunder†or “lightning.†In the Christian period the worship of Perun was gradually transferred to St. Elijah (Russian Iliya), but in folk beliefs, his fructifying, life-stimulating, and purifying functions are still performed by his vehicles: the ax, the bull, the he-goat, the dove, and the cuckoo. Sacrifices and communal feasts on July 20 in honour of Perun or Iliya continued in Russia until modern times. (Enc. Brittanica).
The MokoÅ¡ line is 90-paces wide and usually has a ‘ghost’ line associated with it and sometimes two. The ‘ghost’ line comprises four smaller lines that are spaced apart by a couple of paces. This gives the impression of a sizeable line but careful walking of the line always shows it is in fact 4 lines tightly bundled together. It likes water and wells/springs and will go out of its way to encompass a spring. It is the line that passes through the spring waters at Sv. Hostyn for example. I usually pick up MokoÅ¡ before Eva so there is a male-female affinity at play. She also likes crosses and in many locations is associated with stations of the cross or crosses of some type – (Devet Krizu, U Tri Krizu and so on on). We have even found her and then seen a roadside cross on the line. She is strong and more easily detected than the Perun line.
The Perun line is also a 90-pace wide line with no ghost lines. He seems to prefer passing over hilltops and has an affinity for Oak trees that will often be found to line his path. The Oak tree is the tree of Perun. He also likes Kid’s playgrounds and churches designated to male saints.
We continue to track the alignment across Moravia.