The Templar Alignment and Telc
The Church at Chlum U Trebone
Best Laid Plans…..
The energy lines, it seems, have a mind of their own. Or perhaps, the powers that be that govern such things do?
This last weekend, Eva and I had an opportunity to go further west and see if we could track the Templar alignment beyond Jindrichuv Hradec. It’s actually quite a hike as going direct from Brno means a lot of pretty poor back roads that for some reason at this time of year, are often closed meaning lots of tiresome detours. Given the trajectory of the line, I had an idea that Trebon should be our next port of call westwards. It is after all an historical town made famous by the one time presence of Edward Kelly and John Dee! Oh well. Best laid plans!
It took us quite a while to reach Trebon actually due to those detours mainly. However, those same detours found us passing through some really interesting places where we duly found one or other of the two Type 4 lines that form the alignment! It was almost as if the Fates or Sisters of Weird were hijacking our plans.
This continued when we had set up camp (yes, we tented) and went into town looking for dinner. We drove slowly around the magnificent chateau and old town square. We parked and explored in all directions and not once did our dowsing rods even twitch. To add to that disappointment, we both agreed that Trebon felt strange – energetically dead. This was a bit of a surprise.
The next morning, we got up and decided to walk the dogs in the park opposite where the schwarzenburg family mausoleum was situated. Its oppressive presence had already been felt the night before but as we walked by it the dead mouse and black feathers only heightened a sense of bad atmosphere there. Strangely enough, we immediately found several energy lines including tow Type 4 lines that we could identify as positive and negative polarities – the latter passing through the mausoleum. They must have known? But what was even more weird is that we had of course pitched our tent on the positive line! It was a good night sleep for tenting too.
We had breakfast and decided we would follow this line. Could it be the Templar? As we tracked it closer and closer to the Austrian border in a south-east direction, we began to realise it probably wasn’t. However, to make things even more interesting, we found another Type 4 pair of lines that initially – at a stretch – could be the Templar as well. As the day wore on, it was apparent that here we had two new lines altogether! However, they may not be new as one appears to run N-S and would pass through Jindrichuv Hradec and the Templar vortex there ( the third line we found there) and, the other is on an azimuth that might take it through the Albrechtice nad Vltavou area that Rory Duff had sent me to look at!
By now, our plans had fallen apart and we were going where the lines wanted it seemed to us. And that seemed to be towards the amazing and beautiful Chlum u Trebone. I had never heard of the place but there was a chateau there that turned out to have been the summer residence of one Archduke Ferdinand who stayed there in the nights before his assassination. However, it wasn’t that that drew our attention. Nope. It was the Baroque church on the hill with the stations of the cross leading up to it….
The church of the assumption of the virgin Mary was built in 1745 on a rocky hilltop. Everything about this pilgrimage church shouts pagan site….yet I doubt we can prove it as Czech history is sparse at best. That it is a Temple to the Sun seemed to us to be obvious given a number of signs and symbols that are best discussed in a video I will make in the coming days. Eva took a photo that not only suggested this but echoed the image painted on the roof above the alter. The energy in the place pulsed and resonated. We didn’t want to leave. It was no surprise really to find that the N-S line had a vortex on this site. It seemed only more apt to us that we would find this Temple of the Sun on the eve of the Summer Solstice.

The lines it seems, have a plan…. it is pointless making your own plans. The lines always have their way.
Energy Lines and You
Over the last 18 months or more of tracking various energy lines in Czechia, I have come to the conclusion that there is some relationship between you and the lines. What that relationship is, I can only guess but I now talk about them as the weird web spun by the weird sisters as they map our fate.
Let me give you just a few examples.
This week, with the long days, I was able to go out and spend a few hours tracking the N-S Type 4 alignment here. I picked up the negative line of the pair at Vysoke Popovice and started tracking it southward. I had dropped my daughter off at her her friends home in IvanÄice and then driven across to the village. After a couple of hours, I knew it was time to head back and pick her up so I parked in the old town square in IvanÄice and took out my rods. I immediately found the positive line passing through the square and into the church there – the church of the assumption of the virgin Mary. It is quite historical being first mentioned in 1239 and rebuilt in 1312. I was pretty surprised to find this line if I am honest. I was even more surprised when I tracked it a little further north and discovered it ran through the home of my daughter’s friend. The place I had started that afternoon!
The N-S line has another example and that is to the north of Brno when we were mapping it towards Kunstat. I had in my mind that it would pass through the Castle there after all, it is the seat of the local Lords who ran the area for 500-years. But we didn’t find it there. Nope. However, as we drove through the town, I kept dowsing and we found both lines close together. I had to sit down though as they passed through an apartment building where my ex’s brother had lived and this was about the only place in Kunstat I had spent any time in at all.
As a final example, let’s take the Templar line. With some growing amazement, we have discovered that the positive line of that alignment passes through the land plot her son bought to build a home, the house that he currently lives in and the Castle that he had how wedding reception in!
Now, reading this, it’s probably easy to discount it. There are lines everywhere and coincidentally, they sometimes run through places you know. Yes. But there are areas where there are NO lines at all. Coincidences are important in this type of work. Indeed, I have come to see them as signs we are on the right path.
There is a connection between the lines and you.
Templar Line Vortex on a Hill
Lines, Lines and Lines
For a few weeks, we have little or no opportunity to travel any great distance which means that exploring the Templar westwards is difficult. However, we have three type 4 alignments passing just north-west of Brno so there is plenty of work that can be done. We have spent and will spend more time tracking each one in greater detail and trying to see where they cross.
Tracking the lines across distance has gotten easier since we discovered that we can detect them driving from the car. This means we can move good distances using the road system to track the lines across country. Having done that however, we also need to go back and try to find walks that allow us to fill in some of the very large gaps that emerge that way. This takes considerably more time as you may imagine but is very rewarding. These type 4 lines are anything but straight!
This weekend, I am doing a bit of both mapping the north-south line further north and also filling in some gaps as time allows. I will post the usual update video during the week but yesterday was quite fun as I was approached by a man who was interested in my activities in his village. He was able to fill in some local detail and also dowse the lines for himself – he told me that he and his brother used to dowse for fun as kids! He is building a house and it is situated on one of the lines – the ‘female’ one as was the memorial stone marking the anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia that the village had placed. It also ran through an area that he told me was filled with natural springs and also had a cross placed upon it.
The more we map, the more important an area called U Tri Krizu seems to become. It seems all three lines cross this area and at least two of the ‘female’ lines cross at the site. But a quick look at our progress map shows just how many other type 3, 2 and 1 lines also cross in this area. I made a video talking about the area early on and its pagan and christian past as a place of worship and meditation. Yet much more work needs to be done here too to discover just where all the lines go in detail.
A Third Line!
In the Brno area, we have discovered a third Type 4 line! It’s getting complicated.
What is a Type 4 line? Well, I use Rory Duff’s classification scheme and a Type 4 that all would know would be the Michael and Mary lines in England. These are very wide energy lines – 90-paces wide – and their vortexes can be very significant sites indeed for meditation and prayer.
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